Tuesday, November 20, 2012


still a few things to do this night so am making it a somewhat early one, on if needed, but time to do a little drawing i think, it is a relaxing thing, fun to explore this land, but also fun to stretch ones mind and see what could be if one would simply look outside the box, stretch the muscles of the brain, and dream beyond what we see and hear each day, has been a few very busy hectic days, just the craziness of the holidays all the wants that must be full filled, for after thursday we are shooed away till after the new year, for it is the time of shopping and getting, so much to get so much stuff to give, yet isn't the best gift we can give to those we love and care for, simply the gift of time, what is it that we really want, but to be loved, to know love and to life in love.. sweet dreams my friends, here but away am slowly fading to music and drawings.

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