Monday, November 26, 2012


the end of a another day of work and time for the evening of family and friends, the season of Christmas upon us as we seek to shop and share, to give love to receive love, to give for no other reason then we care, the season should last a year not just a few weeks, not about the getting, it's about the giving, for what joy is more complete then to see that smile on the face of one that opens a certain box, and the light comes into their eyes, oh the children love the gifts, and they in their innocence say ever so much, for we give to them with no expectation of anything returned, the lesson to learn to know that no matter what giving is its very own gift, have been surprised many times, by people that i never thought knew i existed and then there was something left, given, seems that is the purest time, when for no other reason we give cause we love, not to get back, is such a simple thing, yet we don't do it enough, so this season, make allot of someones a gift, something that is simple and yours, and give to those you know can never return, or may never return, give simply because you, we all care..

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