Wednesday, November 28, 2012


ok, enough spamming for the night, have to push a few papers and a few notes, long road trip today and didn't get done with assignments, but the client is also a friend and so i just enjoyed hanging out with the guy, talking business, strategies for the upcoming year, possible exit strategies, just a great guy that I have come to appreciate his insight on life and business, with my near 60 years now, I'm not so full that I don't listen to a man younger then I, we can learn so much, not just from our elders, but from those younger as well, they say we right wingers tend to be a might close minded, but yet, I listened with interest to what this man had to say, and with some of his comments thinks perhaps he leaned to the left a little, but you know we need to find a neutral ground some day, cause what we doing now just isn't working, to many that care about themselves and not those they have been elected to serve, that goes for BOTH sides, left and right! it was encouraging to say the least, to listen to a man that had faith his business would continue well into the next 4 yours, gave me some hope, that is if we get past December 21 :) just saying :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I have meet some remarkable people these past few months, you have shared your dreams, your cares, some more then others, when i came here i thought this was a place i could write and just share what was going on inside, how i lost a love that was so precious, and yet, the healing came not in the words i shared, but in the many hearts that showed me their own cares and hurts, and together we have grown, letting go such things, finding that life is far to important, far to short, to let these cares these burdens steal a single moment from us. Sadly we do have our hearts broken from time to time, for so often we love without regard, but healing comes, it comes in the notes the shares the peace that i have found among my friends, if there were a way I would hug each of you so very tight, so i simple hold each of you in my heart, perhaps it is just that we take a step, and another and another, we stand up, no i never realized just how much you all would mean to me this day, not back on that day i signed into this realm, and just to hold you all here in my heart does bring a tear of joy to my eye, thank you all, I told a friend today this would be a different Christmas for me, but you know, as happy as some of those past Christmases have been, and there have been some great ones, this looks to be the best by far for i have learned that life is still a dance to be enjoyed and this marvelous circle of friends how we do enjoy the dance ♥

Monday, November 26, 2012


the end of a another day of work and time for the evening of family and friends, the season of Christmas upon us as we seek to shop and share, to give love to receive love, to give for no other reason then we care, the season should last a year not just a few weeks, not about the getting, it's about the giving, for what joy is more complete then to see that smile on the face of one that opens a certain box, and the light comes into their eyes, oh the children love the gifts, and they in their innocence say ever so much, for we give to them with no expectation of anything returned, the lesson to learn to know that no matter what giving is its very own gift, have been surprised many times, by people that i never thought knew i existed and then there was something left, given, seems that is the purest time, when for no other reason we give cause we love, not to get back, is such a simple thing, yet we don't do it enough, so this season, make allot of someones a gift, something that is simple and yours, and give to those you know can never return, or may never return, give simply because you, we all care..

Thursday, November 22, 2012


nothing like this thanksgiving holiday, time for friends and family to reunite to set aside old fights, to know that we are here together to enjoy to share a meal, funny how sitting down to a meal is such a healing thing, to enjoy the food that was prepared by loving hands, to enjoy the time of fellowship, i am so happy that this one holiday we have is far less commercialized then so many others, for it is family time, time to reflect and be thankful for what we have, what we should hold most dear to our hearts, the love of friends family new old young ad young at heart, remember those that have always gone on for this above all is a legacy they leave, to love all and know we are loved.. have a great thanksgiving to all that celebrate this even this day and to all others that are far away, may this day be a special blessing to you as well as we reflect also on our friends abroad.. ♥

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


still a few things to do this night so am making it a somewhat early one, on if needed, but time to do a little drawing i think, it is a relaxing thing, fun to explore this land, but also fun to stretch ones mind and see what could be if one would simply look outside the box, stretch the muscles of the brain, and dream beyond what we see and hear each day, has been a few very busy hectic days, just the craziness of the holidays all the wants that must be full filled, for after thursday we are shooed away till after the new year, for it is the time of shopping and getting, so much to get so much stuff to give, yet isn't the best gift we can give to those we love and care for, simply the gift of time, what is it that we really want, but to be loved, to know love and to life in love.. sweet dreams my friends, here but away am slowly fading to music and drawings.

Monday, November 19, 2012


these past few weeks have been rather busy, and my time here has been a little limited, but each time I stop in I know I will find good friends, great pictures and warm comments to enjoy, in the short few months I have been here, so many of you have stayed and encouraged me to write and this i do with love, always hoping that my words might touch someone some how, that I might bring a smile, or a laugh, or a pleasant thought of a time now past, of amazing adventures that await if we simple stand and greet each day with a smile. Some have been lost to the ever present fb trolls that roam about looking who they might slay, some have simple moved on with their dreams, though you come and go, stay play laugh enjoy or cry, just know you all touch me in some very special ways, we heal from those wounds that we have been dealt through loves we lost, friendships that have faded and loved one now gone to that place we all shall one day go, so let us realize that our time here is but a moment, and life share these moments with each other with honor and with love, let us grow as friends and family, and thank you, we are all on the ship sailing this river of life together, I am proud to know you all ♥

Sunday, November 18, 2012


the inner self examination and reflection of who and what I am continues, of late i have been wanting to know the real me inside, actually the past few months, perhaps for some this is easy, simple, others we have received so much input from outside sources that we get all mixed up, often i think i know what I want, then i get it and i say to self "really" this is what i was on my knees for in want? ok, figuratively of course, just the latest round of gotta haves. We are bombarded with those gotta haves daily, it is how advertisement works, they are doing their job and their job is to make it so you gotta have it, or, heaven forbid, you will die...!! so i ask myself daily now, is this what I want? or is this just another hype of advertisement. I marvel at the lines that form outside of stores of the latest hot gadget, or book (guilty! was on the waiting list for the last eragon series, I just had to have it!!! :) ) movie, or phone, we are driven by this media to be better and we can only be better if we... (fill in the car, new tech so on and so on) yet have you looked inside and just wondered, is this really you? is it really what you want, or is it that in getting this would elevate you to a higher status, well typically that euphoric state last about a day, a new kid with a new toy.. hence the examination of self, sure i enjoy the things i have acquired in this life, i enjoy the realm of magic that is here in this land of wizards, but I want to be the me i see inside, and to reflect that on the outside, not to be the product, the show and tell, of so many advertisements, a difficult thing in this land of RP at time, yet there is always a voice that does anchor us to reality, that is the go to one we seek to remind us of what and who we really are here, a band of friends and family, all here to help each other know our real selves, be the you you want to be, not the you you think others want to see, you will be far happier, just being you and as the saying goes, you will know your real friends for they will accept the real you no matter what.. ♥

Friday, November 16, 2012

Work Fires

so today was as if someone was playing twister and I was the only one on the deck, problem was, the little dots on the game board, they were fires being set by all my clients, one would want one thing another something else and of course they were all "emergencies" is a good thing i has lots of hair i tell you, cause it was going fast today, just wow!! am so glad the weekend is almost upon us, we made it through today and stuff is ready for tomorrow, all them ducks they been lined up threaten if the wiggle or jiggle they will reap consequences..:) but all in all, it was a good day, so many things have been settled, time to breath in breath out.. yes, fires all cooking nicely, there be the sweet scent of smoke filled air, wood crackling popping, that warmth that only comes on one side as your back side chills, so you turn and inch a little close to toast yourself all around.. ahh, sweet days that end around a fire with friends, so all the fires we chase in the day, the come together to light our way into the adventures of the night, and what adventures the be that await to that walk hand in hand into a starry night.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ocean Waves

don't you sometimes just wish you could be anywhere in this beautiful world in the wink of an eye? This would be a night for sitting on a beach, to dig bare feet into cool sand, to listen to the surf as it roll in tirelessly, to watch as the sun slowly settles into the oceans far out west, changing the color of the skies through all the colors they be, just a time to relax, listen to the gulls playing fighting for some morsel of food, a glass of wine, bottle open and ready to pour a few more of the drops into waiting glass, the quietness of it all as the night skies darken and the twinkle of each little star pops into being, ah the world at rest after a long busy day of much rushing about, alas there is just the thought and image of such a time still locked in memory, of watching the surf and sand, a memory from long ago, that still stirs the soul today with fond desires of "if onyl we could" sadly am land locked in this little town, but the mind is as free as your willing to let it be

Monday, November 12, 2012


an interesting day this has been, an early start and busy, just trying to tie up jobs and finalize what is expected and when. shuffling new materials in the door, product out, clients needing to be called and questions answered, well finally a chance to rest, relax, read, enjoy this realm of mythical beast and creatures and being, it is times like this that make the hard days work all worth doing, this would be a bike ride home day if it were not for the cold.. still the thought is tempting, to strap on helmet and kick the old ironhead over, to pull out of the garage and just let the frigid wind embrace you, the cold just makes you feel so alive at times, sink in deep and yet, such a rush, but that pulsing thumping motor driving you forward head long down and open road as you lean into and out of curves, let the wind blow, let the cold sink in, that just one sweet ride and way to fly.. would this be any different then a ride on the back of a might beast of the air? to feel that same cool breeze as together you plummet towards the earth in search of game, and then the sudden turn back up, pressing your tight to your flying companion, to weave and bob among the clouds.. ahh, such is the life within this realm we do share

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Humpty Dumpty

haven't been posting as much this week, seem that writing bug, also known as those dancing faeries in my head have had their hands full trying to put humpty dumpty back together, well, the week is done and the damage though i am afraid still waits, time to get my ass back up and get to writing, after all, no matter what we do we still  have each other, and perhaps our views don't always agree, but at least we can find that common ground to share and hold each other up.. so today, there be adventures waiting me upon the roadways, the top will be down, seems we have been graced with a rather pleasant day, just before they say we will have snow this week ahead, you have to love this real land i dwell in, you never know what the weather will be and oft times we can have all the season in a week and sometimes in a day! ahhh the realms of life, and then the realms of fantasy, there be lions tigers dragon and faeries here in this land we call our home away from home, there be friends and lovers, and so many that care, so hold on tight and lets enjoy the ride!!

Friday, November 9, 2012


the words just aren't in me tonight, and so, i thought simple write and let the words flow, and then i would read and again it was another rant, strong emotion does stir in me, and so it is hard to say what I want knowing some will cheer and others jeer, and really neither is what I want, somewhere in all this craziness there has to be a common ground we can all share, after all, we seem to have found space in our hearts here in this realm to share with those that don't see eye to eye, so how do we spread this common love and respect for each other into the realm were it is needed most, both sides fearing to let the other side win even an inch.. short and sweet, but that is the note for tonight, wishing you all well and peace in some way..

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


a long time ago there were 2 families living in different basement apartments in the same building, there came a terrible storm one night and the small creek near the building became a raging river that overflowed it's banks and flooded the two apartments. while one family stood helpless in the stairway watching their belongings sink into the rising water the other raced trying to save as much as they could, and it was a frantic race though rising water, sewage and shorting out electrical, well the night ended and the next day came, one family walked away sad at their loses, the other family, well i know he went to work barefoot that morning and told his boss he had to have the day off. then this family proceeded to clean and salvage spending the day at laundry and hosing down furniture that could be saved, by the end of the day, one apartment was striped clean and refuse piled on the curb for the garbage truck to remove, much had been salvaged and was use able, the other apartment was rotting furniture cloths bed kitchen ware, the other family never returned to claim anything that was lost, accept the relief check that came from the disaster relieve fund, yes, the fund helped both families out in the end.. true story folks such is our economy today, time to get my ass to work.. take care all. back when i can ♥

Monday, November 5, 2012

Morning 2

The hot liquid left a warm burn through his mouth and down his throat, so he savored the taste in small portions, just resting feeling the world about him, the smell of burning wood hung in the clear morning air from the fire at his feet, the fading chill of the night as the suns continued their trek upward, the faint warming on his bronzed skin as the rays bounced from his flesh, the rustling of the leafs of the trees growing behind that shaped the clearing he had set camp up in these past few days.  Smiling as he watched Kadeyrn stripping away the flesh from the ofra, a small field grazing herd animal, now more plentiful since their main predators the dragons’ numbers had dwindled.  Reflecting to a time not so long ago as he continued to sip from the cup, when once the mighty beast had flown in packs across the skies, now their ranks thinned to the point you might see the occasional breast circling high.  Was it the flying machines of the traders that had chased the beast away he pondered?  The dragon’s only rival in the skies had been the Aryr, great magnificent birds, their often multi colored vibrant feathers, wings that stretch 40 feet and more on the larger males, and talons formed for grasping and snatching their prey strong and sharp.  The Aryrs’ numbers had diminished long before the dragons had begun to disappear from the skies, till now the rare sighting of their brilliantly feathered bodies sparked awe on the towns when such a beast would be seen.  Like Akindle himself, the bird’s preferred the solitude of the mountains and back country, safe from mankind, who had once trained them to carry warriors to battle.  These he pondered as he watch the sharp talons of his companion Aryr, not endowed with the multi colored plumage, but still a remarkable brilliant blue, tear the flesh from his morning meal, often eyeing Akindle with an look of offering to share of the mornings capture...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Realm We Share

I do so enjoy this home away from home, the bantering chatter, the pics of lands long forgotten, yet they still linger in our minds, and they grow more and more vivid and real with each passing day, the fields of battle and the skies above, many suns do shine over worlds far away, of beauty and of passion, of love and love lost, all these are so vividly displayed in the art i do find within these realms, and though some i will not post or share, to wild to erotic for this wall, i appreciate the courage of those that do, and wish them well in their fight for their own place here in these realms, there is so much beauty in this world, both of human body and of nature, of starry skies and vast open landscapes, of place we may never visit and of things we may never see in person, and things that can only be imagined,  I hope you all will see the art as what it is, the art of so many that what only to share what is in their heart,  Such is this place of dreams that we have woven together, treat one another with respect and kindness, as friends for that is what the buttons says,  "add Friend" and do not hide behind glass walls to tear down what so many have worked so hard to create to share, nor try to take what is not yours, the flowers that grow here see enough of that in that realm so real, trust and share and treat each other with honor, don't hide in anonymity but stand for what you belief, or simple delete and leave, a little bit of a rant i know, but i heard two tales today that still trouble my soul, we are all sharing this ride together both RP and those that are real, those that merely seek a safe place to relax and enjoy, so from the heart just know i care for you all and hope this realm we all share is a place we can enjoy and always share

Friday, November 2, 2012


Early morning

The twin suns had not yet risen, but the glow on the horizon helped to make movement around the camp easy enough. The day just breaking, a thin mist hung in the air, a little unusual for these heights, yet it occurred from time to time. Time to throw back blankets and begin working the fire back up to life, to break off the chill and yes, to enjoy that first morning brew, the black thick liquid we all seem to crave to start our days. The water had been fetched the evening before so that all would be ready to begin the day, there would be time though, Kadeyrn, had already slipped to his morning hunt for game, such an appetite that one had, never could i make him satisfied with a little of the black liquid that had been brought to our world by those that claimed to trade among the stars. Raising my head to look up as the light were already leaving the sky with the rising on the suns to the east, aye, they were a mysterious folk these traders, but they seem harmless enough, always bringing in some new technology to share and make our lives easier. Most simple believed they were from across the vast bodies of waters, a place once thought to not even exist.
The water in the pot had just begun to boil when the carpet of fallen leaves where kicked up with the sudden stir of wind overhead, and the thud of game dropped rather unceremoniously in the small clearing, and with a roar of triumph Kadeyrn settled and began his morning ritual of tearing meat from fresh game to feast.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


the sound of the wind rushes by the car window as we speed down the highway, thoughts racing with the engine roar, the sunlight of a fall day pouring through the windshield, a thought jumps to mind of a dream, and one wonders how it is a dream is gone, and do we then no longer dream, a new thought races, no we still dream, but sees the difference in real dreams and fantasy these I often confuse. if a dream can become a goal it can be real but a dream can also be but a fantasy something that warms the heart, i still dream of flying and sailing, and these can one day be real so very real, but there is the fantasy of racing also through the sky upon dragons back, a dream that is fantasy or is it?   We might feel the strength of a horse beneath us as we ride upon the back of a sturdy steed  and then let imagination stretch us up till we fly the skies upon such a beast with wings, we can see the castles of old still yet today and dream of warriors and lands long forgotten, as the wind rushes by, i dare not close my eyes for there be many others upon this highway this day, each racing towards a goal, a meeting, an encounter of some sort, so my mind races with dream and the feel of wind as i sail through the air and yet my eyes see the wild race of cars heading to their many destinations.. and so begins the tale that is to slowly come upon these wall of knights and dragons and kings and queens, for here in this realm the dreams that are but fantasy can be real..  <3