Saturday, December 5, 2015

Others matter

He often wondered what life would be like if in the past he had made other choices, but he didn't regret though ones he made, the travels he had taken and the adventures he had encountered. Oh there were many, and so diverse were they, some leading to placed he would rather not have gone, yet still, as he looked back, some of the places he wish he had avoided had made him the man he was today. The upbringing by his warrior parent, his father, and the maternal love of his mother, one giving him loyalty honor and duty, the other a kind heart, compassionate. Perhaps to compassionate, to forgiving, but over the years, it was better to forgive and let go, then to hang on to the bitterness of anger that would poison the soul.
He choose instead to forgive, to move forward, the memory of what had happened would hopefully keep him from repeating his history, yet the hearts of those in need, often stuck his compassionate side so deep, it was hard to turn away someone in need. And so, our adventure often finds himself holding a bag of someone else s dreams, yet, he knew in his heart in some small way he had helped them do more with their life's then they had dreamed, even if in the process some of his dreams had to wait till another day - PA

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