Monday, January 26, 2015


Life is about the dance, some have a bit of tragedy and some dance for joy, it takes a little of both in life, and we might hate the tragedy hoping only for the joy, but it is the moments of struggle that seem to make and shape us, that will grow us inside as well as outside. We work our bodies to shape, to tone to feel good, but those hours of work are not the easy hours, we can not gain shape staring at a screen, eyeball yoga, and eyeball martial arts, might make you think you can, but you have to do it. The same goes with life, we come and go in work in love in friendships, we devote to one, and this too takes work and is not without it's times of struggle, still we hold on, it is our nature we are islands and we are herds of people in need.. life is a dance, enjoy each step being it of struggle or pleasure it is what makes us uniquely us - PA

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