Thursday, December 18, 2014


Patience, a word, a practice, something we all seem to avoid, we want it now, that's why were carry credit cards right? and often we take that same want need greed, into relations and work and every aspect of our daily life's. never wanting to wait till it's the right time, but waiting for the right time is always the best. To soon and the satisfaction is often not what we thought it would be, or the outcome would have been better if we had done as our hearts dictated and waited a little longer. Something we so often learn after the fact. We live in an instant gratification world driven by our wants and desires and the "gotta have it now" mentality fed to us daily by the media of entertainment, yet life isn't a 2 hour movie, a hour long episode, or a 30 minute sitcom, it is life, and with strength of character and friendships and family, we can all learn patience and learn to breath and wait till the timing is right .. in what we do here we learn that quality takes time, and a rush job often comes back for more work when if we had done the job right it would have reflect the craft of our trades... enjoy this day, and in the end, look back and say to yourself well done, life is a grand adventure, enjoy it, don't push it - <3

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