Sunday, March 31, 2013


Late in the night, when the darkness surrounds a house, the lights are low inside, images on a screen bring back memories of a time long ago, when two would chat late into the night, speaking of life, of love, of family, of all that I miss, those times, those quiet times will be those i remember and miss the most, sometimes just being quiet together, listening to the lapping of water on the sides of a boat, laying in the cool evening grass, watching the stars pop into being, the sounds of waters cascade over rock, a cool stream reflecting the light of a rising moon, stories and words we would share, till one of us drifted into sleep, and with a soft kiss and a warm hug we would let go till again we would meet.. those are the times I miss the most, when two hearts were bare, and hearts were shared, times that words can not describe, nor a thousand pictures tell the story for only the two will remember those night together now so long ago.. <3

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hi Ho Hi HO

hi ho hi ho, it's off to work we go, a fine day awaits, and so I must be off to finish off a few giants, save some damsels in distress, lasso a few dragons and of course feed a few trolls, all in a days work eh all? so here to wine whiskey and women, time to haul the boss off to get some more coffee :D have a grand day of adventure and mayhem ♥


Work work work, what is life without a little adventure to spark the spirit, whether in work or play, there always be adventures that await, and so am off to begin this new day, to enjoy what maybe in store, for either giant or troll, each in their way can affect your day, but take sword and shied, prepare the way that others may also gain their way though the days


Time to close my day, to seek a land we all find at the end of a day, that may melt into shapes or sparkle with lights, where imaginations do take over, and those thoughts held deep with in do spring forth, we chase those dreams at times it seems, we look for that which enters our heads at night hoping to find the next day in the light, that ever elusive thing we all seem to seek, wondering if we will ever really find our little dream - sweet dreams to all

Battle Days End

Each day can be such an adventure, one never knowing what will happen next, those best laid plans may work from time to time, and when they fail we can put on a smile and brave through, wait for a time when we can at last let go, that is the end of the day for me, has been a long one filled with many weary battles, they do take their toll and we can wonder where we might have to hide the bodies, but with the end of a day there is sleep and sleep revives the body, refreshes the mind, preparing us for another day of adventure.. now the night sky is close, the moon having risen, the waters of this life's oceans meerly a lapping at the walls of a ship that floats into a land of dreams, let those waves rock you in their arms and carry you off to new lands of springs and trees an mountain streams, let the gentle night breeze float your mind to a place of rest and restoration, and so till tomorrows morn i wish all a great sleep and a new day of adventure and love.. night all sweet dreams to all ♥

Sunday, March 17, 2013


this was going to be a quick run through to catch up, but my dear friends, it is always a pleasure to stay and enjoy you, even those that have already gone off to sleep, leaving morning treats or those that shall soon arise, wishing to enjoy coffee and maybe a few smiles, well my time has come to join those already sleeping in slumber and so I am wishing all a remarkable evening, have some fun kiss a few frogs, take a chance, any one of them might be your next prince charming or sleeping beauty, ok, they might slap you as well, but oh what joy even that coul be yes?  so am off to explore another realm, night night all <3