Saturday, December 29, 2012


ok playtime is over, far to soon, for the time i spend here is always refreshing, the thoughts and comments the life's of so many others all here in this little mixing bowl of a realm we share. In the real world sometimes our circle of friends is not so diverse as they are here, and though more often then not we see the pretty smiles of those we meet here in this wizards realm, so often not seeing their tears. Should you take time to know those that wondering in and out of this home within this realm, you do get to know and see their tears, their smiles, their love and their pain, their hopes and fears, you will find a friend deeper then most you will ever know. Here we can share our dreams without fear, our fantasies too, the mind can think far beyond what we can actually do for real. Our minds can take us on a flight with only a carpet to carry us aloft, can transform us into creatures that fly the skies, or to another that races through wild forest woods, we can down leather and stand tall, or chains and submit to someone without fear, we can make love on a sailing ship under a moonlight sky, a sandy beach, or mountain high. We can walk through a meadow hand in hand and touch lips with our heart. All so very real, when you let your imagination stretch and soar among the skies, the heavens, even the very stars high above, and all so real in the eye of our mind.
Now a new year comes, this past year has seen so many changes in my life, both in real and in this wizards realm. In the real, work has been long and hard, this economy scares me yet I will press on, the work i do will often keep me from time with friends, family too does take my attention away, but this is as it should be, family, the most important on any plate either in real or here in this realm. In this realm, I have known the love of one that remains a dear friend even though we are no longer together we can still talk, laugh and share, supporting one another always. And another whom I have let go, a love I may never replace, and though this has sadden my heart this past year, I have learned to grow and move on with life. I have let go of that dream and embraced another, one of friendships unending. Here in this realm we share together I have learned it does take many many friends to make one whole, I have grown to love you all in a very special way and even though we are all so very different in our wants and desires, I hold you all close and I love the differences we have and share!
I trust that this new year your dreams will come true, your friendships grow, your families become those you know you can trust and love without fear, Happy New year to you all ♥ ♥

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