Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hillside night

Remember when? oh how we often look back to a favorite memory, a memory of a time in our life, one of my favorites is still summer vacations laying on the side if a hill top, the city lights far away and so the stars seemed to fill the sky with endless depths. We might actually recognize a constellation, but i remember mostly we didn't care and between the occasional clouds, the star and the light of the money, cares were a long long way away, ah the days of summer between school years and the friendship of so many, and a time when time didn't matter so much, no rush, just peace.. memories, there ares so wonderful ones we have all made over the years, places , event, special days with a special friend, a night we talked so late into the night and I had to catch a plane the next day.. and on and on they do go, but the hillside will always remain, and the stars so far in our hearts so close... peace all - PA

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