Monday, January 26, 2015


Life is about the dance, some have a bit of tragedy and some dance for joy, it takes a little of both in life, and we might hate the tragedy hoping only for the joy, but it is the moments of struggle that seem to make and shape us, that will grow us inside as well as outside. We work our bodies to shape, to tone to feel good, but those hours of work are not the easy hours, we can not gain shape staring at a screen, eyeball yoga, and eyeball martial arts, might make you think you can, but you have to do it. The same goes with life, we come and go in work in love in friendships, we devote to one, and this too takes work and is not without it's times of struggle, still we hold on, it is our nature we are islands and we are herds of people in need.. life is a dance, enjoy each step being it of struggle or pleasure it is what makes us uniquely us - PA

Friday, January 16, 2015


Saw a sign the other day, and it is so true, something I have believed in for a long time, and though I know, i still think i do just what the sign said, "We want what we can not have and what is right in front of us just waiting to be claimed and taken, we don't want, or we push away" It's as if when something is easy, then we reject it. Is this from the want of a challenge in life? I think not, the forbidden seems to have a draw on our attention, so many in and outs in life, men find it hard to understand a woman and women can't seem to figure a man out, perhaps we are to busy wanting what we can't have to realize what we can have is perfect for us and is there for the taking.. - PA

Day Job

Clients workers families, the juggling of time and space for each, family taking the back seat at times, so sad, yet clients must be served, is that the life we lead, such sad priorities, though I can not be with each hour of the day, in my hearts you shall always be, and foremost in my mind, so take a moment to kiss a cheek and touch the hair in warmth and delight, so many just waiting, the client can wait a little longer, the workers don't mind gathering at the fountain a moment longer while you take the time to tell each of those close your love for them.. have a fantastic day to all and enjoy this adventure we call life!! - PA

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hillside night

Remember when? oh how we often look back to a favorite memory, a memory of a time in our life, one of my favorites is still summer vacations laying on the side if a hill top, the city lights far away and so the stars seemed to fill the sky with endless depths. We might actually recognize a constellation, but i remember mostly we didn't care and between the occasional clouds, the star and the light of the money, cares were a long long way away, ah the days of summer between school years and the friendship of so many, and a time when time didn't matter so much, no rush, just peace.. memories, there ares so wonderful ones we have all made over the years, places , event, special days with a special friend, a night we talked so late into the night and I had to catch a plane the next day.. and on and on they do go, but the hillside will always remain, and the stars so far in our hearts so close... peace all - PA