Friday, September 6, 2013

One Step

A day it has been, several weeks ago, maybe even a couple months, the piles on my desk were major, so much to do, so many demanding so much, well tonight, the beast finally feels like it's under control, famous last words I am sure, more like merely resting, waiting to rise up again. Like anything in life you take it a step at a time, no you can't do it all in a day, you chisel a little here a little there till the imagine inside emerges, you climb a mountain a little at a time, to reach the top, ok, yeah i know one slip and you start all over again, ouchies!!.. still the way to winning is to put one foot in front of the other, you will get there... and as your basking in the glory, standing on top, looking out over the vistas, remember, don't take your cellphones, cause sure enough, while your basking a contractor OR TWO will call you and change your schedule AGAIN !! ok, time to chillx and head for home ground, a good meal and movie night, always a good night for a good movie.. have a wonderful evening! see you all again soon

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