Tuesday, February 19, 2013


been a long and busy day, sometimes the challenges come at you fom all sides, and it's nice to just finally say, ok, whew!! I am still standing and they are not, so that means i win yes? Such a glorious feeling, it's a sweet tired, from having pushed oneself beyond the norms, to strive for that next mark, to get there, and no stopping, the next goal is just ahead, keep pushing growing, it,s onward, up, at the top is not riches and glory, it's just knowing you didn't quiet, you can stand there and look out over the lands, lift you hands and you head, you that much closer to the sky, to the stars, and it does feel good, all the money and riches can't compete with knowing you set a goal and you made it, even if it means on to the next, why stop, why turn back, life is about growing and learning and you can rest assured, this man plans to learn something new each day, to take on a challenge each day, so todays challenge ahead? how to stay standing more then getting knocked on my butt in karate tonight :) have a great one all, and enjoy the ride, back later ♥

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