Wednesday, February 27, 2013


What is life without the occasional risk, when we throw caution to the wind and take a chance on a word a saying an event, when we set sail to greet each day, we know the ocean lays ahead, will a new land be found this day? Do we start our days with certain expectations, then fail to embrace the change that awaits us? make a plan set your sails, but remember, adventure lays at the corner, if we would but take a little risk. and what do we risk? the mundane world of daily doing this or this, but there be giants waiting, never let them bar your progress, engage them, let them know you rule your world your walk and you go where you want, not where the crowd wants, make your own trails, blaze your own paths, be yourself, and just enjoy knowing that your the best that you can be, the right people will come into your life, the ones that truly do care for you and about you, so make your own roads, be yourself, and enjoy each day to it's very fullest ♥

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


been a long and busy day, sometimes the challenges come at you fom all sides, and it's nice to just finally say, ok, whew!! I am still standing and they are not, so that means i win yes? Such a glorious feeling, it's a sweet tired, from having pushed oneself beyond the norms, to strive for that next mark, to get there, and no stopping, the next goal is just ahead, keep pushing growing, it,s onward, up, at the top is not riches and glory, it's just knowing you didn't quiet, you can stand there and look out over the lands, lift you hands and you head, you that much closer to the sky, to the stars, and it does feel good, all the money and riches can't compete with knowing you set a goal and you made it, even if it means on to the next, why stop, why turn back, life is about growing and learning and you can rest assured, this man plans to learn something new each day, to take on a challenge each day, so todays challenge ahead? how to stay standing more then getting knocked on my butt in karate tonight :) have a great one all, and enjoy the ride, back later ♥

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Breakfast anyone? just a time to sit and enjoy the company of beautiful people in my life, time together always means so much to me, sitting enjoying a view, a mountain side an ocean wave, a starry night or early sun rise, just taking time to know those that come and go in my life, not a better place then to sit over a meal with friends that now reach so very far back into my life. Some I will miss forever never seeing again, some I have yet to met but they are there waiting, some we will part, two paths they lead to different lands, and some will stay for ever in my heart, to all you that touch me each day, with your love and your dreams your joys and sorrows, to those tagged and those yet untagged, you all mean so much to me, I have learned more about the love we can have for each other these past months then i have in my entire real life, for I learned from one to not be selfish and that I have brought here to this table, for I learn that love is more then just a fast and furious relation, it is the lasting friendship between two that will care for one another and so many others, let your hearts grow and fill it with those cherished memories your making, you have made and the ones you will make, may your hearts reflect on those you love and care for, cherish all these, for we all grow together.. have a glorious day and until we meet again enjoy this ride called life ♥

Friday, February 15, 2013

A simple hug

one long week is now over and the weekend is beginning, time to kick off shoes, to run barefoot through sand, to play in the snow, to enjoy a new warm day, so many different weather days here, but we all enjoy the same sun and moon, just look up cause sometime tonight my eyes well go to that globe that radiates the sun, the stars high above, we all see these things, so enjoy your evening, enjoy your friends, remember we are not guaranteed a time a minute an hour, we make plans we have hopes, and these are all good, but stop and remember, there is the now as well, the times when a hand might reach out and needs you to take it and help and be lead back, so easy to be lost in what we want, we need we forget so often what others need, just a shoulder and hand a warm embrace, a smile.. have a great evening all, give a friend a hug.. ♥

Thursday, February 7, 2013


you can only sit in one place so long then you have to get up and move, run chase, fly, but something, when in this realm i can fly with my mind, or run like the deer, I can stretch my mind to be in that place that is such a vivid picture, I can walk though cold damp corridors of ancient castle, explore deep into the depths of the caves, the trickling water can be heard as we walk deeper and deeper into these wizards realm, the light at the far end pulls us ever closer, and yet it never seem to change, always drawing us in and yet always just out of reach, do we ramble as we travel, is it like a dream running from place to place from thought to thought, do the mist surround us, then part and we have another glimps of what is what could be what will be? onward we go, we grow hand in hand with friends so dear, always moving yet each time there be the roses in our life that wait for us to pause, to drink in there beauty with our senses, the thought to bring with does occur but to rip such a beautiful delicate thing, no, nah, but onward we go, to grow.. am off, music does await, though only at home and not away, still it is another world, the sound of tunes, and the feel of strings under fingers.. till late when i shall return to wish all a good night, but for now am off to run, then there awaits a fireball of a woman with dinner on plate.. have a great evening, back after an evening of music and dreams.. ♥