Saturday, November 28, 2015


Life can be a bit of a mist at times, we can see, but we can not see far, we hear sounds, and we strain to see moving towards the sound in the mist, often within the mist it is but an echo, still we long to see clearly, but life is so much like the mist, we plan and determine to be in one place, and find ourselves wondering lost again in the mist, following echos and not the dawning light - PA

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dreams and Reality Check

We can wish for many things, hope for many things, want for many things, but if we were to get all those things, we hope wish and dream, would we than be content? First to be content with those things we have, that is not to say no more dreaming, dreams inspire us to reach for more, to grow, dreams can be goals, and motivate us forward, still, the first is to be content and know when to reach and what to reach for, not all dreams should become reality, but there are those that should become - PA

Friday, November 13, 2015

First right

warning!! warning!! Will Robinson - well, with all the hoopla going on our campuses lately, I figured it was time for a disclaimer, after all, I wouldn't want people taking offense to me wishing them a good morning when they are having a bad hair day!, one never knows just how sensitive someone will be, so do not read this if you are one of them, cause me, I going to say what I think when I think and guess what, life's a biotch, cause I don't like your bad hair, I am offended LMAO!! oh the hole we can go down when the only thing we can say to another is Hello, cause you know what saying Hi is not formal enough and I am offended by your lack of formality.. funny how we seem to have the mentality that is what is good for you is good for me and what you THINK is good for you, if i disagree then I am wrong and you are offended - oh so, Good Morning!! Hi and Hello, or good evening cause it might be night time or good night because you might be going to bed! LOL have a great one! - PA

Thursday, November 12, 2015

End of the day

So the end of the day, we all gather together at the local watering hole, all sizes all shapes and forms, height, weight, color, green eyes, blue eyes, blondes, gingers, ravens, a mix of similar creatures with one goal, to relax at the end of a long productive day, be it from work or from play. Having in times past sat at home all the day, I can say, the end of a satisfying day of work or physical play, be it sports or music or whatever your taste desires, with friends and mates is far more mentally and physically rewarding. Mentally, taking pride in what you did to get you to this place at the end of a day, and physically, who doesn't enjoy that moment with friends, together enjoying a glass of soothing liquid, or perhaps a long pull at cigar to enjoy the rich flavor, oh that one I shall remember for a very long time and all with others of like mind.. take a moment to breath enjoy, smell the roses as they say, enjoy for tomorrow is not promised... PA