Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Past Week

Well this has been a wondrous week, life always such an adventure, we hold on tight to something solid, yet our hearts do long for more adventure, and so the ever present decision to hold one or move forward, what is, always looks safe, at least it does after a few elbows in the right place to make sure things are in order, but change requires letting go sometimes, though we long to take everything with us, never leaving anyone anything behind, yet there are things we just have no control over, and when change comes in the way of adventure, a sorrow, a new joy, that very change, makes life what it is, sometimes happy sometimes sad, but one thing i have learned, go forth each day, smile lots, speak the truth, and have an honorable heart, life will be what it is, but our goal should be to rise up and over, to be conquerors in the stage play we are on, and that makes it a whole new game!! ♥

please feel free to visit our page as well  and thank you

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Archer on a Sunday Afternoon

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon/evening/night morning, with all the different times of the world you could be visiting at any given point in time, for me it is near mid afternoon and taking a few on the beautiful Sunday to share a few pictures, comments, relax with a cup of coffee and reflect a little, just 2 weeks and I am so amazed by the response and growth, i tip my cup in greetings to the new faces that have joined us just in the last day, I hope you all will make each other always feel welcome, with comments and greetings to one another, we are all here to enjoy art, and there be many forms to enjoy so do visit often and others as well. get to know one another, who knows perhaps a few of you will become new friends, all because you have something in common, the joy of the fantasies of life. If you have a suggestion, a theme as it were that you would like to see, please drop me a note, all are appreciated, we continue with the archers, but have done dragons and angels, of warriors in love and those that stand among friends, so please feel free to tag share, like, who knows what adventures do await you when you just step off into this fantasy realm we all share..

Monday, April 1, 2013


There be a setting sun now, time aplenty left for the evening, but time to wrap up this thing called work for another day, to close the books and travel a few roads to home, the crowds by now gone from the highways and bye ways, but the sun is bright though settling over the far horizon, sending long blades of light though parting trees, hills, and towers. Those monolyths of engineering, lining the trails, yet still the suns light does find it's way into ever dark cranny at least for a while longer, til finally the night has it's way, and the stars and moon will light your way. hoping all have a great evening ahead with friends family, or with a warm cozy bed, and to those greeting their day, i say good morning and with a smile I off till late dear ones all