Monday, April 20, 2015

Battle of Self

Oh the magic, the fantasy, we fight the mighty fight of life, and from time to time we step into the ring and our opponent is ourself, we push ourselves, to test that edge of what is to much. In MA, we laugh when we have survived a class that has tested our limits, it prepares us for that one test that awaits, the infamous BB test, and again, it isn't test against a physical opponent, the opponent is yourself, the phrase, to those that are about to die, was a bit of a joke, for some of my best workout in MA were the hardest. Well tonight, I had one of those times, in the pretzel class, and when I tossed out the, "we who are about to die" should be posted at the start of some classes LOL. well, it was a bit of a zepplin LOL it is good to work through and beyond, perhaps that is my MA training, Yoga is a bit of a different animal, still, me I like it on the edge, test limits, and tonights was a test, one of the best classes I have enjoyed, looking forward to more, hey, I had one foot off the ground for a second in duck pose LOL more to come for life is life and what fun is life with out challenges!!